The “Great Escape” on Soda Butte Creek, June 18, 2024. A Grizzy Sow #964, and her two yearlings apparently had the scent of a Moose Cow and her new Moose Calf along the Creek. #964 is an offspring of the iconic Grizzly Sow #399, who resides in Teton NP. But #964 was relocated to the NE Corner of Yellowstone after getting in trouble in the Jackson Hole area. #964 emerged from her den in 2023 with two COY (Cub of Year). As the bears searched for a hearty meal, the Moose Cow and her Calf escaped by frantically crossing the high rushing water of Soda Butte Crek to live another day and hopefully for many years to come. The attached pictures recorded the search and escape. “Enjoy the Adventure”